
Assessment of milk production and processing in the southern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Goal - indicators of production and processing of cow's milk in the region are presented using the construction of multiple regression model and recommendations for the development of dairy market in Kazakhstan are given.

In the work methods of logic, statistical analysis, factorial, econometric modeling and systematization are used.

Results - it is noted that dairy industry is an integral part of agro-industrial complex. Literary sources containing information on achievements in  dairy industry of developed countries are analyzed;  current state of the world economy and its importance for ensuring food security are shown: inflation, anti-Russian sanctions, decline in consumer incomes. The productivity of cows, reasons for the decline and increase in milk production,  low share of dairy processing, and high depreciation of  agricultural machinery are considered. The need to conduct research on the volume of dairy products production is substantiated using the example of Almaty as a large milk-processing regional center. It has been determined that the influx of investment has a significant impact on productivity of the city's dairy enterprises. An econometric assessment of the factors that have the greatest impact on the process of processing raw materials and obtaining finished products was carried out.

Conclusions – scientific and practical results of generated regression model for assessing production processes and milk processing are presented. Socioeconomic criteria have been determined: the level of employee salaries, food inflation in dairy industry, increase in the number of dairy product complexes. Recommendations for modernization of dairies based on effective measures of state support, consolidation of small agricultural producers, and  introduction of innovative technologies have been developed. Resource conservation is important - mandatory requirement for equipment, technologies, production activities, and economic mechanisms. Accounting of resources, their availability and consumption, careful attitude to the use of energy, water, heat are mandatory components of the rational use of potential.

About the Authors

Sh. A. Smagulova
K. Sagadiyev University of International Business

Smagulova Sholpan Asylkhanovna; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

050010 Abay Ave., 8а, Almaty

A. B. Soltanbayeva
K. Sagadiyev University of International Business

Soltanbayeva Aierke Baurzhanovna; Ph.D student

050010 Abay Ave., 8а, Almaty

E. A. Aktureeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Aktureeva Elmira Ashirbekovna; Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of «Finance and Accounting»

050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71; Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Smagulova Sh.A., Soltanbayeva A.B., Aktureeva E.A. Assessment of milk production and processing in the southern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):170-181. (In Russ.)

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