
Dairy-product complex: features of functioning


The goal is to monitor functioning of dairy product complex, including production, management, marketing and economic aspects, on the basis of which the current state and prospects for its development are considered, problems and possible solutions are identified, optimal options for intensifying production processes are shown to increase their efficiency and improving the quality of dairy products. Methods – statistical collection and analysis of data on volumes, productivity levels, consumer demand, prices for dairy products; economic analysis made it possible to study production component, including the study of costs, profits, structure of expenses and income, factors influencing on profitability and competitiveness of dairy enterprises. By familiarizing with technological schemes of the dairy industry, quality level, living conditions of animals, methods of storage and transportation of milk and dairy products were analyzed, and promising directions of production cycle were assessed. Results - recommendations for the effective use of technologies to increase labor productivity and product competitiveness have been prepared. A study of dairy sector of agriculture, which makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy, made it possible to identify problematic segments: high costs, instability of prices for raw materials and products, as well as insufficient demand in foreign trade. It is recommended to develop a strategy for promoting domestic products and meeting the needs of domestic and foreign markets. Conclusions - regular updating of equipment, constant training of personnel and adaptation to changing market requirements are the key to success in increasing the volume of the dairy industry.

About the Authors

A. B. Uchkampirova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Uchkampirova Aigul Bahadirovna – Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship 

10000 Satpayev str., 2, Astana

M. A. Tleuzhanova
International University of Engineering and Technology

Tleuzhanova Manatzhan Ashimkulovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics 

050060 Al-Farabi Ave., 89/21, Almaty

G. K. Amrenova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Amrenova Galiya Kapbarovna - Master of Economics Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management 

10000 str. Satpayev., 2, Astana


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For citations:

Uchkampirova A.B., Tleuzhanova M.A., Amrenova G.K. Dairy-product complex: features of functioning. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):125-135.

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