Features of the Development of the Circular Economy in Livestock Production of the Agricultural Sector in the Context of Climate Change
The goal is to analyze the current state of development of agro-industrial production in the context of circular and climate economy of Kazakhstan with emphasis on identifying the elements of its key aspects in livestock farming and determining the influence of climatic factors on this economic system.
Methods – statistical analysis and graphical interpretation of data, comparative assessment of linear and circular economic models. Materials from scientific publications, regulations, as well as interviews with experts were used.
Results - recommendations for transition to sustainable circular economy structure in agricultural sector of Kazakhstan have been developed, aimed at increasing the efficiency of resource potential, reducing negative impact on environment and creating new opportunities for business and innovation in the country's agro-industrial complex. Measures have been proposed to improve the infrastructure for processing and disposal of agricultural waste and use of modern technologies in the industry.
Conclusions - implementation of the principles of circular economy helps to increase energy efficiency and reduce negative impact on biosphere and ecosystems, creating conditions for expanding the scope of innovative entrepreneurship - “green” business: new jobs, appropriate infrastructure, “green” logistics, etc. Principles of circular economy: circular supply (limited resources are replaced by completely renewable sources); extending the life cycle of products through modernization and reconstruction; recycling (restoration and recycling of product residues). Resourceefficient modification is an opportunity for innovation at all stages of new value formation, which gives not only good final results, but also leads to them with lower material, energy and environmental costs.
About the Authors
N. N. NurmukhametovKazakhstan
Nurmukhametov Nurbakhyt Nurbopaevich; Candidate of Economic Sciences,Professor
010000 Zhenis Ave.,62, Astana
B. M. Zhakenov
Zhakenov Bolat Maratuly; Master student
010000 Zhenis Ave.,62, Astana
T. M. Suleimenov
Suleimenov Tagir Maratovich; Master student
010000 Zhenis Ave.,62, Astana
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Nurmukhametov N.N., Zhakenov B.M., Suleimenov T.M. Features of the Development of the Circular Economy in Livestock Production of the Agricultural Sector in the Context of Climate Change. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):112-125. https://doi.org/10.46666/2024-2.2708-9991.09