
Transformation of land relations in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the impact of institutional changes on economic development


Since Kazakhstan gained independence, transformation of land relations in agriculture has been inextricably linked with waves of privatization and introduction of market principles of management.

The goal is to study the impact of institutional changes on the process of reforming land resources in agricultural sector of the republic.

The methods are based on materials from domestic and foreign analytical reviews, scientific publications, regulations relating to the land issue, and program strategic documents. Quantitative and graphical methods were used to analyze the consequences of institutional reforms in agro-industrial complex in terms of property reorganization, land use, and contribution of agricultural production to the country's GDP.

Results - it is substantiated that the breakup of production, logistics and other necessary connections in the first years of Kazakhstan’s independence became a difficult test for agriculture and the loss of significant investments in the gross domestic product by this industry. Modern reality required building new market rules, regulated by the state within the framework of laws. The main stages of regulatory changes that influenced land legal relations in agricultural sector are given. The consequences of past reforms related to the land issue are presented, problems and challenges facing the development of agro-industrial complex of the republic are identified, and recommendations are offered to improve the current situation.

Conclusions - it should be understood that the quality of adopted regulations reflecting property rights, including land legislation, directly affects socio-economic and environmental situation, which shows the importance of the institutional system for the economic development of the country, formation of effective socio-economic structure of agricultural sector.

About the Authors

A. Satybaldin
Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian Federation

Satybaldin Azimkhan; Doctor of  Economic Sciences, Professor; Chief Researcher

A25Y7B3 Kurmangazy str., 29, Almaty

R. Ruzanov
Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ruzanov Rashid; Candidate of  Economic Sciences; Leading Researcher

A25Y7B3 Kurmangazy str., 29, Almaty

A. Panzabekova
Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Panzabekova Axana; Candidate of  Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Chief Researcher

A25Y7B3 Kurmangazy str., 29, Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Satybaldin A., Ruzanov R., Panzabekova A. Transformation of land relations in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the impact of institutional changes on economic development. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):193-203. (In Russ.)

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