
Production of meat and processed products in the conditions of technological modernization of agro-industrial complex of the East Kazakhstan region


Goal - the current situation and promising directions for the development of meat industry in the East Kazakhstan region are considered, and limiting factors for its growth are identified. During the research process, in the context of a comprehensive analysis, calculationconstructive, statistical-economic, expert, and monographic methods were used. Results – an assessment of the main parameters of livestock complex and meat processing sector in the Eastern region over the past five years is presented. Based on the results of the study, it was revealed that there are positive changes in meat sector, but overall production is not efficient enough. The authors note the lack of raw materials and high cost of raw materials. Food imports occupy a significant place, and small-scale production of farms leads to decrease in the competitiveness of goods produced. Conclusions – the results of the study made it possible to substantiate the most optimal directions for increasing the volume of meat product subcomplex and expanding meat products market through effective government regulation, development of cooperative and integration relations between agricultural producers and processing industry enterprises, allowing the creation of cooperatives that contribute to increasing the size of production and processing of meat products. As economic measures, it is advisable to stimulate supply and demand for food products, preferential lending throughout the entire cycle of obtaining products and selling them on domestic and foreign markets. The authors focus on the need to find options for reducing costs of production processes, implementing innovative projects and forming cluster-type associations. The creation of new enterprises (meat processing plants, poultry farms) will create new jobs and increase the income of the population.

About the Authors

Sh. Zhailaubayeva
Shakarim University

Zhailaubayeva Shynar – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance 

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey city

Y. Kendyukh
M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Kendyukh Yevgeniy - Doctor of Economic Sciences; Associate Professorof the Department of Finance and Management 

150000 Pushkin str., 86, Petropavlovsk

G. K. Dambaulova
A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

Dambaulova Gulmira Karimzhanovna – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Regional Smart-center 

110000 A. Baitursynov str.,47, Kostanay


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Zhailaubayeva Sh., Kendyukh Y., Dambaulova G.K. Production of meat and processed products in the conditions of technological modernization of agro-industrial complex of the East Kazakhstan region. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):103-112. (In Russ.)

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