Econometric analysis of the development of labor potential of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan
The goal is to reveal the basis for the formation of labor potential in agriculture, its condition and role in socio-economic development of rural areas. Consider theoretical foundations of economic and mathematical modeling of dynamics of the formation of human resources in agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. Methods - application of methodology for carrying out forecast calculations based on econometric model in the form of a system of joint equations, tracing the connection of labor market with changes in demographic structure of the country's rural population. The study used statistical data series provided by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An overview of government support measures aimed at increasing labor reserves in rural areas is presented. As a result of scientific research, calculation forecast models were obtained, on the basis of which the values of main statistical indicators characterizing the dynamics of labor activity in rural areas of the republic for the long-term period were determined. Results - ways to overcome negative trends that slow down labor activity and form effective labor potential in rural areas are proposed: ensuring real growth in rural employment in all areas of activity; creation of additional high-performance jobs; improvement of social infrastructure. Conclusions - based on forecast calculations of indicators reflecting the directions of development of human capital in agricultural sector, opportunities for increasing GDP of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries have been identified. Studying the problems of rural labor economics makes it possible to note imbalances in the supply and demand of qualified specialists. In this regard, there is a need for active labor policy, stimulation of job search, training in professional skills, acquisition of a new profession.
About the Authors
S. SaginovaKazakhstan
Saginova Saniya - Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management
010000 Mukhamedkhanov str., 37 A, Astana
V. Stukach
Russian Federation
Stukach Victor - Doctor of Economics, Professor; Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing
644008 Institutskaya Ploshchad str., 1, Omsk
G. Sultanova
Sultanova Guzel - Ph.D; Advisor to the Director
010000 Konaev str., 12/1, Astana
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Saginova S., Stukach V., Sultanova G. Econometric analysis of the development of labor potential of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):207-218.