New trends in platform employment of rural youth in the context of digital transformation
The use of online digital labor platforms is aimed at simplifying access to professional activities, accelerating and facilitating the interaction of workers and employers in the process of labor relations. The goal is to study new trends in platform employment of rural youth in the context of digital transformation of economy. The methods are based on materials from domestic and foreign analytical reviews, scientific publications, changes in social and labor legislation and practice of developing platform employment of the rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The method of quantitative and graphical analysis of the number of freelancers by industry, dynamics in the level of youth unemployment, education, as well as in regional aspect is used. Results – the state and factors hindering the increase in the level of employment of rural young personnel in freelance sector due to the underdevelopment of Internet platforms for labor adaptation and weak social infrastructure in rural areas, and a low incentive for young specialists to work have been identified. The importance of motivational factors contributing to the growth of prestige, increasingly popular format of work – online platforms and development of labor potential of the younger generation is substantiated. The fundamental importance of attracting young villagers through freelancing in labor-abundant regions of the country has been proven. Conclusions – official freelancing and platform employment in the republic are at the stage of formation, as evidenced by the recent inclusion of these norms in social and labor legislation. Statistical authorities provide very limited information on development of free employment. It is proposed, using world experience, to expand research to achieve the ultimate goal - improving the quality of life of the rural population.
About the Authors
Ch. U. AkimbekovaKazakhstan
Akimbekova Chulpan Uysimbekovna – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Rural Development
050057 Satpayev str., 30-b, Almaty
V. V. Grigoruk
Grigoruk Vladimir Vasilievich - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Leading Researcher
050057 Satpayev str., 30-b, Almaty
K. M. Meirman
Meirman Kanat Maratovich - Master of Economics; Director
050008 Tekstilnaya str., 76, Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Akimbekova Ch.U., Grigoruk V.V., Meirman K.M. New trends in platform employment of rural youth in the context of digital transformation. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):183-194. (In Russ.)