
Trends and opportunities for growth of agro-industrial production in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Goal – modern popular models for development of agro-industrial production are proposed, which are based on factors reflecting current and potential directions of innovative activity in agricultural industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the process of preparing the article, a wide range of general scientific and specific scientific methods was involved: generalization of theoretical approaches, comparative analysis, system-dynamic and economic-mathematical modeling, trend analysis method, dialectical. The theoretical and methodological basis was provided by fundamental developments of domestic and foreign scientists on issues of innovation policy in agro-industrial complex of the republic. Results - the current state of agricultural sector has been studied, including main trends and problems of introducing modern technological and organizational innovations used in agriculture in Kazakhstan. The factors that have significant impact on increasing competitiveness of agricultural sector are analyzed. Forecasts for structural restructuring of production, increasing the level of investment, etc. are presented. Practical recommendations for stimulating innovative activity in agro-industrial complex are given, taking into account its characteristics. The following competencies of agro-industrial complex are defined as basic: creating food potential, ensuring structural and sectoral balance of national economic system, forming technological platform. Conclusions - further growth in the volume of gross output of economic entities is possible in the conditions of significant financial investment in environmental protection, scientific research that contributes to production of environmentally friendly products and increase in GDP in the industry. In general, over the past years, the situation in Kazakhstan’s agriculture has been stabilizing, which is manifested in strengthening of financial and economic position of large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises.

About the Authors

B. Zhagalbayev
«Turan-Astana» University

Zhagalbayev Bolat - Ph.D student 

010000 Dukenuly str.,29, Astana

Wei Feng
Northwest A&F University

Wei Feng; Professor 

712100 Taicheng Road, No.3, Yangling, Shaanxi

Zh. Kazhiyeva
Shakarim University

Kazhiyeva Zhaniya - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Associated Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance 

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159 a, Semey


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Zhagalbayev B., Feng W., Kazhiyeva Zh. Trends and opportunities for growth of agro-industrial production in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):37-47.

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