
Current state, internal reserves and ways to increase the competitiveness of livestock farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Relevance - the livestock industry occupies a strategic position in the economy of all countries because it supplies the population with affordable food products, thereby ensuring food security of states and regions. Purpose –livestock products market in Kazakhstan and its impact on the state of agro-industrial production are considered; monitoring of agricultural producers by the number of farm animals; analysis of volumes and comparative advantages of livestock products for various categories of farms; identifying the main problems and prospects for diversification industries. When conducting the research, methods of analysis and synthesis, graphical, economicstatistical, and systems approaches were used. The main sources of information when conducting the study include data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2023, and the works of scientists on the development of livestock segment. Results - the authors note that the greatest increase in the number of cattle is observed in personal subsidiary plots and peasant (private) farms, which are the main producers and suppliers of livestock products, providing the food market of the republic. The main problems that make it difficult to increase the volume of livestock products are identified: the predominance of small-scale farms; low level of breeding; undeveloped food supply; poor labor motivation among agricultural workers. Conclusions – the expansion of market niche of livestock products as one of the priority areas of agricultural sector of economy depends on the further expansion of the network of production cooperatives – the most acceptable and effective form of farming in rural areas; increasing productivity of farm animals; improvement of food supply; attracting domestic and foreign investments; in the future, the use of information systems for storing data on feed consumption and payment, the physiological state of animals, economic activities and development of livestock development plans.

About the Authors

E. O. Kydyrbaeva
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Kydyrbaeva Elmira Omirserikovna - Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Management and State Government Educational Program 

040009 A.Zhansugurova str., 187 А, Taldykorgan

S. K. Baidybekova
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Baidybekova Saltanat Kenzhebaevna - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Educational Program 

040009 Zhansugurova str., 187A, Taldykorgan

A. G. Tolamisova
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Tolamisova Anar Gabdylkarimovna - Master of Economic Sciences; Assistant Teacher of the Educational Program in the Field of Management and Public Administration 

040009 Zhansugurova str., 187A, Taldykorgan


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Kydyrbaeva E.O., Baidybekova S.K., Tolamisova A.G. Current state, internal reserves and ways to increase the competitiveness of livestock farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):93-102. (In Russ.)

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