
Current problems and prospects of poultry industry: innovative vector


Poultry farming in Kazakhstan is one of the most progressive and dynamically developing areas of agriculture, which is profitable and quickly pays off. The goal is to study the economic indicators of poultry farming industry, develop directions for its development, and analyze government support measures. Methods – statistical analysis, comparison and generalization, observation with subsequent conclusions. Results - the authors show the state of poultry farms, identify problems and factors that negatively affect the growth of production volumes, and consider issues of subsidizing producers. It is noted that poultry production, including chickens and eggs, has increased, which is important to meet the growing demand for these food products. Efforts are being made to develop the domestic poultry sector through various initiatives, including investment in infrastructure, improvement of technological processes, and government assistance. These measures are aimed at reducing dependence on imported poultry meat and increasing self-sufficiency in poultry products. Vaccination programs are being implemented and biosafety protocols and monitoring systems are being improved. The republic's poultry farmers are introducing modern production methods and technologies to optimize labor efficiency and productivity. This is, first of all, the use of innovations in genetics, integrated diets, and more advanced housing and management systems. Conclusions - based on the experience of developed countries, it is proposed to raise the level of poultry farming in Kazakhstan through investment in research and development, introduction of advanced technologies, efficient production methods, wide access to markets and compliance with high quality standards. However, achieving results in poultry farming depends on specific geographical, economic and cultural factors. The stable development and expansion of poultry farming sector provides a number of undeniable advantages: a new level of small and mediumsized businesses; additional jobs; providing the population of the republic with high-quality products of domestic production; a real opportunity to refuse similar imported products; quite a large flow of investment.

About the Authors

Zh. Gabbassova
Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

Gabbassova Zhumagyz - The main author; Master in Economic Sciences; Senior Teacher of Economics and Audit of High School 

090009 Zhangir khan str., 51, Uralsk

A. Dossanova
Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

Dossanova Aliya - Master in Economic Sciences; Senior Teacher of Economics and Audit of High School 

090009 Zhangir khan str., 51, Uralsk

Song Soo Lim
Korea University
Korea, Republic of

Lim Song Soo - Ph.D; Professor of the Department of Food and Resource Economics 

02841 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, 145, Seoul 


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For citations:

Gabbassova Zh., Dossanova A., Lim S.S. Current problems and prospects of poultry industry: innovative vector. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):113-124.

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