
State regulation of agricultural sector based on the example of cultivation of industrial crops in the Zhetisu region of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The goal is to study the mechanisms of state support for agricultural sector (using the example of industrial crops in the Zhetisu region), analyze the current state of agro-industrial production in the Republic of Kazakhstan, consider problems and ways of their solution. Methods – theoretical basis of the work consists of the works of foreign and domestic scientists; the analysis method assesses the development of agro-industrial complex of the Zhetisu region, regulation of the price level for industrial crops and food. Using the statistical method, conclusions on the current situation and prospects for their production. The modeling method made it possible to form effective model for managing agricultural sector. Results – problems associated with raw materials orientation of agricultural sector, incomplete utilization of production capacity, low level of introduction of innovative technologies and technical equipment slow down the pace of development of agricultural industry. Ways to solve these problems have been outlined: proposals aimed at improving the availability of financing for small businesses through investing in agricultural infrastructure and expanding the network of production and service cooperatives, increasing the efficiency of state support for agricultural economy of the Zhetisu region have been prepared. Conclusions – the main scientific principles obtained during the study can be used as information and analytical material for the development and implementation of effective policies for cultivation, processing and sale of industrial crops in the region. Natural and labor resources will allow the region to become self-sufficient in food supply. The main directions of modern state policy for regulating agricultural production are indicated: creating conditions for maintaining sustainable growth in demand for food products and raw materials; creation of infrastructure, system of wholesale and retail markets; support of price system that satisfies the population's demands for food.

About the Author

G. R. Baytaeva
I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Baytaeva Gulnara Rakhmetovna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law and Economics 

040009 Zhansugurov str., 187А, Taldykorgan


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Baytaeva G.R. State regulation of agricultural sector based on the example of cultivation of industrial crops in the Zhetisu region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):59-68. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)