
Labor market in rural areas of Akmola region of Kazakhstan: regional aspect


The goal is to identify the features and determine quantitative parameters of the regional labor market in the Akmola region. Methods – analytical and statistical industry information is systematized and summarized using economic-statistical, balance sheet and abstract-logical methods from open access sources and scientific literature. Results - the features were studied and characteristics of labor potential of the region were given, analysis of absolute and relative indicators characterizing the dynamics of region's population movement was carried out, which made it possible to identify the main trends in its change in recent years. Demographic factors affecting the formation of labor force are shown. The volumes of socio-demographic load were calculated. Conclusions - it has been established that proportion of village residents tends to decrease both in absolute value and in the structure of total number. The main criteria are population migration and decrease in its natural increase. The reduction in the number of economically active residents of rural areas is explained by negative balance of difference between people who have entered active age and those who have retired, as well as migration processes that have their own specifics. It is noted that the level of the region’s labor resources is directly related to demographic development of the given territory. The deterioration of the demographic situation has a negative impact on quantitative and qualitative dimensions characterizing the regional labor market. The youth segment remains rather unbalanced, the areas of employment of young specialists are closely related to low levels of income and labor productivity, the persistent gap between professional orientation of youth and the labor needs of enterprises becomes one of the barriers to the employment of young people.

About the Authors

D. Y. Kuatova
Narxoz University

Kuatova Dilmina Yakhiyaevna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics 

050036 Zhandosov str., 55, Almaty

O. A. Blinov
P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

Blinov Oleg Anatolyevich - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Dean of the Faculty of Economics 

644008 Institutskaya square, 1, Omsk

A. T. Tyulegenova
Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University

Tyulegenova Asyltas Temirbekovna - Master of Finance; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business and Services 

020000 Abay str., 76, Kokshetau


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Kuatova D.Y., Blinov O.A., Tyulegenova A.T. Labor market in rural areas of Akmola region of Kazakhstan: regional aspect. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):231-240.

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