
State support for agriculture in Kazakhstan for the medium term


The goal is to analyze budget revenues and expenses for a three-year period based on state support for agriculture. Methods – based on comparative analysis, the estimated indicators of agricultural production and volume of financing are considered. Results – the main parameters of the draft republican budget for 2024-2026 were studied in connection with the calculated indicators of the Forecast of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan for 2024-2028, as well as the budget volume for 2024-2025 and the concept of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030. Issues related to the formation of the draft republican budget according to the basic scenario for the development of the country's economy are presented. In the context of main budget functional groups, the size, structure and main directions of financing expenditures of the republican budget are shown in comparative form. Conclusions – the main budget programs for financing agricultural sector are outlined in detail. It is noted that their budgeting has been significantly reduced for projects such as “Stabilization and improvement of the environment” and “Effective water resources management”. As for budget lending, its volumes are increasing significantly compared to previous years, which can be positively assessed as an increase in financial support from the state. However, if industry lending data is compared with a three-year forecast, the amount of industry funding is declining. A decrease in value of budget financing and loans from budget for agricultural production in the medium term will not contribute to increasing their volumes. An important document for planning (budgeting) of agricultural enterprises is a business plan, which generates information about the capacity of market segments and their market shares; characteristics of competitors and consumers are presented, forecast estimates for sales volumes are compiled for several years in advance.

About the Authors

B. Rustembayev
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Rustembayev Bazarkhan - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board 

050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty

D. T. Akhmetova
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

Akhmetova Dinara Toleukhanovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance 

010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana

R. M. Zhunusova
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

Zhunusova Raushan Mustafievna - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance 

010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Rustembayev B., Akhmetova D.T., Zhunusova R.M. State support for agriculture in Kazakhstan for the medium term. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(1):48-58. (In Kazakh)

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