
Innovative management system for agro-industrial complex facilities within the framework of the “Industry -5.0” concept


The goal is to outline  main provisions of the concepts “Industry 4.0” and “Industry 5.0”, to show  main directions of digital transformation of agricultural facilities and the fifth industrial revolution.

Methods – systematic approach, comparative analysis, expert-analytical.

Results - it is noted that the main component of Industry 5.0 is the widespread use of robots, cobots, big data technologies, blockchain and artificial intelligence in production processes. One of the promising trends in the development of  digital economy within the framework of Industry 5.0 projects is creation and implementation of robot managers used in  management of firms, enterprises, and business structures. A block diagram of  robot manager and  description of the work are presented, blocks for inputting incoming information from  divisions of  economic entity and  analytical one that provides statistical and dynamic data analysis,  model for solving optimization coordination problems based on  theory of optimal management, methods and models of artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and neural networks, blocks for developing various options for the results of management actions and selecting the most acceptable one, and information and reference blocks, allowing the manager to have the necessary information about the state of production and economic activities.

Conclusions - spread of robot managers in agricultural sector will ensure the use of end-to-end digital technologies: big data, algorithmic intelligence, distributed registry technologies (blockchain), additive technologies, wireless communication technologies, etc. The use of robot managers in  agricultural sector will create favorable conditions for increasing profitability of production, improvement of its economic indicators. Their development is aimed at reducing current production costs and production costs, which in the current economic conditions is a priority need for agricultural producers in order to positively change the financial condition of their functioning.

About the Authors

A. M. Baimukhamedova
Gazi University

Baimukhamedova Aizhan Malikovna; Doctor of Business Administration; Professor

06560 Yenimahalle, Emniet, Silahtar Str., 17, Ankara

M. S. Aymurzinov
Z. Aldamzhar Kostanay Social -Technical University

Aymurzinov Murat Saparjanovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department  of Economics

110000  Kobylandy Batyr Ave., 27, Kostanay

G. S. Baimukhamedova
Z. Aldamzhar Kostanay Social -Technical University

Baimukhamedova  Gulzada Seiduvalievna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of  Economics

110000  Kobylandy Batyr Ave., 27, Kostanay


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For citations:

Baimukhamedova A.M., Aymurzinov M.S., Baimukhamedova G.S. Innovative management system for agro-industrial complex facilities within the framework of the “Industry -5.0” concept. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):37-45.

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