Dairy industry of Kazakhstan: regional aspect
The goal is to assess the state of milk production and processing for all categories of farms in the republic, to show the role of the development of the dairy industry in providing the population with food from its own resources in order to achieve food security of the country.
Within the framework of this study, general scientific methods were used - systematization, comparison, statistics, factorial, generalization.
Results - it is noted that to obtain the required volumes of milk in Kazakhstan there is a favorable geographical and climatic resource potential; review of bibliographic materials on the management of dairy industry of the best foreign countries is presented; assessment of Kazakhstani regions with high indicators of processed raw materials was carried out; high proportion of individual business entities engaged in raising cattle and producing dairy products has been demonstrated; the reasons for the low quality of raw milk are revealed, which do not allow its use for the production of high-quality dairy products; emphasis is placed on the insufficient level of technical equipment of processing dairy plants; the need for automation and implementation of digital technologies on dairy farms is substantiated; problems of expanding the range of dairy products due to the small-scale production of personal subsidiary plots (farms) were identified; serious threats are identified from the lack of innovative equipment, storage and transportation of dairy raw materials.
Conclusions - recommendations have been developed to increase the modernization and digitalization of dairy farms. The authors state that the use of innovations should give milk processing enterprises a qualitatively new character, increase the technical and technological potential of processors and the economic efficiency of their activities, improve the consumer properties and product positions of food products made from cow's milk.
About the Authors
Sh. A. SmagulovaKazakhstan
Smagulova Sholpan Asylkhanovna; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting
050010 Abay Ave., 8а, Almaty
A. B. Soltanbayeva
Soltanbayeva Aierke Baurzhanovna; Ph.D student
050010 Abay Ave., 8а, Almaty
R. U. Mugauina
Mugauina Raikhan Ulzhagalievna; Ph.D; аcting Associate Professor of the Department of Economics
060000 Studenchesky Ave., 1, Atyrau
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For citations:
Smagulova Sh.A., Soltanbayeva A.B., Mugauina R.U. Dairy industry of Kazakhstan: regional aspect. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):141-150. https://doi.org/10.46666/2023-4.2708-9991.14