
Specifics of employment in rural areas of Kazakhstan


The employment of  rural population in rural regions is the object of close attention from the state.

The goal is to identify trends in the structure of the sphere of labor relations in the context of the transition to a post-industrial society and technological modernization of the economy. To conduct the research, general scientific and special methods were used: abstraction, analysis, synthesis and logical cognition.

The results—employment and unemployment—are closely related socio-economic categories that characterize labor market policy. Its comparative assessment of urban and rural residents for 2022 is given. The activities of small-scale commodity structures located in rural areas on a regional basis are analyzed.

Conclusions - priority directions of agricultural policy have been identified. The negative impact of problems that hinder the growth of labor potential is shown. Modern agricultural labor does not receive proper positive development due to the dissatisfaction of rural workers with their activities, the low level of mechanization of agricultural production sectors, and the material disinterest of workers. Ways of assistance in employment are proposed: development of small forms of entrepreneurship, including expansion and increase in the profitability of personal subsidiary plots and peasant farms; training and retraining of young rural workers and specialists as the main factor determining the growth of their professional mobility and competitiveness. It is necessary to create conditions under which agricultural enterprises and farmers would have the opportunity to work profitably, update fixed assets and equipment, master innovative resource-saving technologies, increase and modernize jobs in the social sector, infrastructure (transportation, storage, marketing of products), housing and communal services, rural construction.

About the Authors

G. I. Nurzhanova
Astana International University

Nurzhanova Gulmira Islamovna; Ph.D student, Senior Lecturer  of Higher School of Economics

010000 Kabanbai Batyr Ave., 8, Astana

G. K. Saparova
«Turan-Astana» University

Saparova Gulnar Karimova; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Business Administration of the School of Business and Information Technology

010008 Y. Dukenuly str., 29, Astana

G. K. Baibasheva
Astana International University

Baibasheva Gulnara Kanatovna; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics

010000 Kabanbai Batyr Ave., 8, Astana


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For citations:

Nurzhanova G.I., Saparova G.K., Baibasheva G.K. Specifics of employment in rural areas of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):211-219. (In Russ.)

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