
Labor market in agriculture: regional features of functioning


The goal is to study the mechanism of functioning of the labor market in rural areas.

Methods – abstract-logical, systemic, comparative, statistical analysis, observation.

Results - internal and external factors influencing the formation and development of rural labor market in the Pavlodar region were analyzed, and measures were proposed to reduce tension in the agricultural labor market. The employment market in the villages of this region and its importance for agriculture and rural areas are considered. Based on statistical data from 2014-2022. The main indicators of the labor market at the district level are presented. The structure of the population employed in  production of goods and services is shown, which makes it possible to identify economically underdeveloped settlements. A reduction in the number of able-bodied citizens in rural settlements has been revealed as a consequence of the migration movement of able-bodied people, the aging of rural residents, and unemployment problems: dispersal of the labor force, low degree of territorial accessibility, limited non-agricultural types of employment. The directions for improving the social infrastructure of rural areas, increasing awareness of the support measures taken, popularizing entrepreneurship, cooperation, including private farming, commercial private plots are substantiated.

Conclusions - one of the reasons for the imbalance in  agricultural labor market is the low quality of jobs in rural territorial units, due to unsatisfactory conditions of professional activity, lack of opportunities for advanced training and career growth. Large-scale diversification of the rural economy, support for farmers and alternative forms of employment and self-employment make it possible to smooth out negative trends and generate additional income. Measures have been proposed to stabilize this market segment. 

About the Authors

G. Ye. Nurbayeva
Toraigyrov University

Nurbayeva Gulmira Yerzhanovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

140000 Lomov str.,64, Pavlodar

Ye. T. Shakhman
Innovative University of Eurasi

Shakhman Yertargyn Toiganuly; Ph.D student of the Department of Business and Management

140000 M. Gorky str., 102/4, Pavlodar


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For citations:

Nurbayeva G.Ye., Shakhman Ye.T. Labor market in agriculture: regional features of functioning. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):199-210. (In Kazakh)

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