Grain storage and processing: main trends in grain market
Among crop crops, cereals have undoubted advantages - high rates of food and feed saturation. Grain is stored for a long time without loss of commercial quality, which means it is used to form reserve and strategic reserves, delivery is carried out by most types of transport, it is also an important resource for the food and processing industries.
The goal is to analyze the current situation and develop practical recommendations aimed at improving grain storage technologies as important segment of the grain products industry of the socio-economic system.
Methods – statistical-economic, systemic and comparative analysis, logical generalization.
Results – accumulation, placement, processing and storage of grain resources, their use and ensuring the effective functioning of grainproduct subcomplex are assigned to grain receiving and grain processing enterprises. Storage of grain products, like many other goods, requires a sufficiently equipped material and technical base and highly qualified personnel with knowledge and experience in this area.
Conclusions – at the present stage of development of grain production, it is necessary to take into account various nuances of an economic and managerial nature, to avoid violations during its cultivation, transportation and sale, which can lead to a decrease in quality, and therefore financial losses. In conditions where a continuous process requires compliance with regulations, a centralized mechanism for the distribution of raw materials was developed, and large storage facilities received maximum investment to expand and provide the optimal possible number of business entities located over large territories. Modern equipment for cleaning and drying in tandem with a technological granary will allow you to preserve any type of agricultural crop for a long time without reducing the basic properties.
About the Authors
S. MizanbekovaKazakhstan
Mizanbekova Salima; Doctor of Economic Sciences RK, RF, Professor; Professor of the H.D. Churin Department of Management and Agribusiness
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
A. Kaiyrbayeva
Kaiyrbayeva Ainur; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Acting Deputy Chairman of the Board-Rector
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
G. Beisenova
Beisenova Gulnar; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the H.D. Churin Department of Management and Agribusiness
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
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For citations:
Mizanbekova S., Kaiyrbayeva A., Beisenova G. Grain storage and processing: main trends in grain market. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):93-101. (In Russ.)