Development of rural areas in the context of implementation of agricultural policy
The socio-economic development of rural areas of Kazakhstan is largely determined by the magnitude and degree of use of potential, effectiveness of which largely depends on optimal combination of its constituent elements involved in economic turnover. The main directions of modern social policy are to improve the quality of life and modernize the national economy to ensure the required level of income for the rural population.
The goal is to develop methodological provisions for a holistic assessment of the state and prospects for increasing the internal reserves of rural areas.
Methods – comparative and system analysis, statistical-economic, logical generalization.
Results – it is noted that target indicators are key indicators: level of agro-industrial production per capita, employment, average monthly wages of rural residents, the size of capital investments, consumer prices, environmental well-being. The authors focus on the importance of improving engineering and logistics infrastructure, expanding the capabilities of border rural settlements, uniting small farms and organizing agricultural cooperatives, allowing farmers to reduce costs for fertilizers, fuels and lubricants, feed, increase the volume of production through the sharing of land, agricultural machinery, stable sales of goods.
Conclusions - the Concept for the Development of Rural Territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2027 provides for a number of measures to involve villagers in local self-government, provide state support, spread agritourism, stimulate exports, ensure environmental safety and, in general, aimed at the systemic restructuring of the Kazakh village, where a significant number of rural population with high opportunities for sustainable growth. Such organizational and managerial approaches help solve the demographic situation and investment attractiveness of rural areas.
About the Authors
N. TurashbekovKazakhstan
Turashbekov Nurbol; Ph.D student of the H.D. Churin Department of Management and Agribusiness
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
B. Kalykova
Kalykova Bakhyt; Сandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of H.D. Churin Management and Agribusiness
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
G. Ordabayeva
Ordabayeva Gulzinat; Master of Technical Sciences; Senior Teacher of the Departments of IT and Automation
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
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For citations:
Turashbekov N., Kalykova B., Ordabayeva G. Development of rural areas in the context of implementation of agricultural policy. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):66-74. (In Russ.)