
Fruit and vegetable production in Kazakhstan: status, problems and ways of solution


The development of  fruit and vegetable sector is given special attention throughout the world. The production of fruits and vegetables is an important component of the agro-industrial complex and one of the most common types of agricultural activities in terms of the income of small and medium-sized producers and the food security of the republic. Fruits and vegetables, being a source of vital minerals and vitamins, occupy one of the key places in the diet and are among the essential goods.

Goal - current issues of increasing the efficiency of fruit and vegetable production and its potential are considered.

Methods - analysis, comparison, generalization, allowing to identify problems whose solution is important for the food supply of the country's population.

Results - the experience of world practice of market trade in horticultural products was studied. The authors substantiate the need to develop and implement measures of state support for elite seed farms and originators of varieties, create and restore infrastructure for the procurement, storage, processing and sale of vegetables, berries and fruits, organize wholesale markets for environmentally friendly vegetable raw materials. The state of  fruit and vegetable subcomplex is shown. An analysis of the volumes of cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops by various organizational and legal entities is given. Examples of an effective sales system for fruits and vegetables abroad and mechanisms for the distribution of products are given. The need for state regulation and stimulation of the fruit and vegetable industry is noted.

Conclusions - there are all the prerequisites for expanding and further building the potential of competitive and sustainable agricultural formations in the fruit and vegetable sector, capable of fully satisfying domestic consumer demand. This can be achieved through the introduction of new resource-saving technologies, the implementation of high-tech projects taking into account adaptation to climate change, environmental protection, and maintaining balance in the food supply chain.

About the Authors

A. Baktgereyeva
Almaty Technological University

Baktgereyeva Alma; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management

05001  Tole bi str., 100, Almaty

M. Sauranova
Almaty Technological University

Sauranova Meruert; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management

05001  Tole bi str., 100, Almaty

S. Momynkulova
Almaty Technological University

Momynkulova Saule; Master of Economics; Lecturer of  the Department of Economics and Manageme

05001  Tole bi str., 100, Almaty


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For citations:

Baktgereyeva A., Sauranova M., Momynkulova S. Fruit and vegetable production in Kazakhstan: status, problems and ways of solution. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):159-169. (In Kazakh)

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