PEST analysis of organic products market of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The global economy is experiencing rapid growth in demand for organic agricultural products, which is one of the key factors stimulating the development of the organic market. This dynamic is especially true in countries where consumers consciously choose organic products due to their positive impact on human health and the environment.
The goal is to identify and analyze external macroeconomic and sociocultural conditions that influence the organic sector of Kazakhstan. Research methods – PEST analysis, analysis of the political and legal environment, statistical data, sociological research: surveys and observation.
Results - political, economic, social and technological incentives have been identified that can influence the accelerated growth of this market segment in the medium and long term.
Conclusions - importance of the active participation of the state, introduction of modern technologies, information and educational programs and improving the infrastructure of bioproducts market is indicated. The need to improve the state planning system at the level of central and local executive bodies is substantiated. Measures are recommended to increase the awareness of Kazakh consumers regarding organic goods, which directly affects the expansion of the market for organic goods. An integrated and systematic approach to these areas will intensify the development of organic agriculture in the republic, helping to improve the quality of life of the population and protect the environment. The authors come to the conclusion that production of organic products can become one of the main sources of income for the regions of the country, subject to the formation of an effective legislative framework, investment, including government investment, creation of favorable business climate and implementation of competitive advantages of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
About the Authors
Ye. V. KlimovKazakhstan
Klimov Yevgeniy Vladimirovich; Senior Researcher; Chairman of the Kazakhstan Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (KAZFOAM)
050057 Satpaev str., 30B, Almaty
L. N. Bimagambetova
Bimagambetova Lalita Nurmanovna; Candidate of Technical Sciences; Assistant-Professor of the Department of Мotor vehicles and life safety
050000 Shevchenko str.,97, Almaty
S. K. Yessengaziyeva
Yessengaziyeva Saule Kopeshevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics
050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty
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For citations:
Klimov Ye.V., Bimagambetova L.N., Yessengaziyeva S.K. PEST analysis of organic products market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):170-182. (In Russ.)