Agricultural policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the integration potential of the EAEU
The goal is to explore the processes of regulation of integration initiatives and prospects for the development of agrifood sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
Methods – economic-statistical, system approach, comparative analysis, expert-analytical.
Results – the main directions of agricultural policy of interstate interaction of the EAEU member countries are considered. The mutual trade of Kazakhstan with the states of the Eurasian Economic Union, the share of foreign trade turnover and supplies of goods for export, import levels, and export quotas are shown. The authors reveal problems that indicate the low competitiveness of agricultural products in the domestic market of the republic: underdeveloped infrastructure of agro-industrial complex, small-scale agricultural entities, wear and tear of fixed assets, use of land resources that does not give the desired result, insufficient productivity in livestock sector. The authors note a reduction in flour production, sunflower seed processing, and underutilized production capacity of dairy industry enterprises. The situation is the same with production of butter. The article substantiates the need for the spread of food clusters, formation of cross-border integrated structures that allow direct convenient access to the markets of neighboring countries and create conditions for strengthening international trade. In turn, economic growth in these regions contributes to the organization of new jobs, qualitative transformations, optimization of the transport system and competitive advantages of regional economic entities, improving the living standard of the population, and providing a wide range of services.
Conclusions – attention is focused on the importance of Eurasian integration. Proposals are given for the development of the domestic food segment, taking into account the integration potential of the EAEU; it is proposed to organize a joint association of food companies within the Eurasian Economic Union for the effective functioning of specialized production facilities, which will improve the quality of products by reducing production costs, promptly draw up a real balance of supply and demand for agricultural crops, determine the volume of domestic consumption and export potential. Instead of quotas, it is advisable to practice export monitoring. Should be modernize the logistics infrastructure, including on the basis of intermodal transport.
About the Authors
B. E. RustembayevKazakhstan
Rustembayev Bazarkhan E. - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
R. A. Baizholova
Baizholova Raissa A. - Doctor of Economic Sciences; Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
010000 Kazhymukhan str., 11, Astana
Zh. A. Amangeldiyeva
Amangeldiyeva Zhanar A. - Ph.D student of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
010000 Kazhymukhan str., 11, Astana
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For citations:
Rustembayev B.E., Baizholova R.A., Amangeldiyeva Zh.A. Agricultural policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the integration potential of the EAEU. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):13-23. (In Russ.)