Creation of financial business models in beef cattle breeding: structure and stages
The goal is to develop an algorithm for financial modeling of business processes in beef cattle breeding.
Methods – general scientific and empirical. The logical method was used to determine the structure of the study and identify cause-and-effect relationships. The collected material is systematized, summarized and analyzed taking into account the technological features of the industry, modern market conditions, regulatory requirements, financing criteria and government measures to support agricultural producers in the republic. Methods of synthesis, comparison, comparison, and mathematical calculations were also used.
Results - the authors proposed financial business model that promotes flexibility in planning production program for keeping and raising livestock for meat. The advantages of financial model in cattle breeding for meat productivity are substantiated as an effective tool for information support, planning, analysis and management decision-making, consisting in the fact that the content of each component of the mathematical financial model allows you to study their components and collect information necessary for financial and economic calculations. The composition of the elements for constructing a financial strategy for breeding beef cattle has been determined, including initial data, analytical calculations, and resulting parameters. A step-by-step algorithm for financial business planning has been created, from initial parameters and assumptions to the calculation of technological and economic efficiency indicators.
Conclusions - based on financial modeling of business processes, farmers will have the opportunity to preliminarily assess profitability, find savings reserves, and predict costs for intensive beef cattle farming. A comprehensive business analysis with a financial model and assessment of the market situation is necessary in order to obtain a loan, attract investment and prepare an investment project.
About the Authors
D. AiguzhinovaKazakhstan
Aiguzhinova Dinara; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting
140008 Lomov str.,64, Pavlodar
Zh. Altaibayeva
Altaibayeva Zhanat; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting
140008 Lomov str.,64, Pavlodar
Sh. Mutallyapova
Mutallyapova Shynar; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associated Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing
010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
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For citations:
Aiguzhinova D., Altaibayeva Zh., Mutallyapova Sh. Creation of financial business models in beef cattle breeding: structure and stages. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):132-140. (In Russ.)