
Agricultural clusters: formation of food resources in Kazakhstan


Goal - main problems of ensuring food security in Kazakhstan, formation and development of agricultural clusters as a strategic direction of agriculture in the republic are considered.

Methods empirical methods of research, analysis, synthesis, comparative characteristics, generalization were used.

Results the authors indicate that agro-clusters, by facilitating cooperation between stakeholders, play a key role in diversifying agricultural production, reducing post-harvest losses and improving access to markets. From environmental and economic perspective, they are an effective integration structure that allows one to gain a competitive advantage. The realization of agricultural potential is possible through the strengthening of cooperative principles and clustering of the agricultural sector. Cluster management will be aimed at creating conditions for the active use of innovations in technology, management, marketing, as well as to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector. The main objectives of the long-term cluster policy are: stabilization of the development of AIC; increasing the share of products and services in the total volume of gross output and exports; increasing the investment attractiveness of the agricultural industry; creating favorable conditions for business activity in rural areas; increasing employment, income and quality of life of the rural population.

Based on a detailed study of these issues, conclusions were drawn: the practice of spreading agricultural clusters is significantly influenced by improving the legislative framework, eliminating barriers to internal competition, promoting the expansion of sales markets, and creating specialized training programs. When creating agricultural clusters, national and regional interests must be taken into account; they become driving forces in solving issues of food supply for the region and the country as a whole.

About the Authors

S. Saginova
Kazakh University of Technology and Business

Saginova Saniya; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

010000 Mukhamedkhanov str., 37 A, Astana

A. Tkacheva
«Turan-Astana» University

Tkacheva Anastassiya; Ph.D student of the Department of Business Administration

010000 Ykylas Dukenuly str., 29, Astana

S. Ryskulov
M. Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University

Ryskulov Samarbek; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Economic and Foreign Economic Activity

720033 Togolok Moldo str., 58, Bishkek


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For citations:

Saginova S., Tkacheva A., Ryskulov S. Agricultural clusters: formation of food resources in Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):183-190. (In Russ.)

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