
Food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan: criteria and indicators


Global approach to qualitatively new consideration of the problem of food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan and state of agro-industrial complex, which in the current conditions needs to find and implement effective forms and mechanisms of state regulation and support for agricultural producers in order to stabilize domestic food market - all this becomes particularly relevant. The goal is to develop comprehensive methodology for analyzing food problem in the republic based on system of indicators that determine current situation and assessment criteria. Methods – monitoring the correlation between main parameters and threshold values. The availability of food (financial, economic, physical), quality and food safety, and availability of resource potential of agro-industrial production were taken into account and analyzed. Results - it is noted that the degree of financial affordability of food products for employed population and retirement age has decreased; coefficients assessing economic accessibility of food products are within normal limits. At the same time, physical accessibility indicators indicate difficulties with food supply. Conclusions - it was revealed that the level of food supply in Kazakhstan exceeds the average data in the countries of Central Asia. The food program is complex and multi-factorial, including economic, social, cultural and environmental indicators. By maintaining competitiveness of national producer, country gains the opportunity for more sustainable and efficient development of its own agricultural sector. Assessing the parameters of the effective functioning of AIC becomes main content of monitoring process, based on the results of which one can judge the possibilities and prospects of providing the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with food in the required volume of quantitative and qualitative aspects of their needs. 

About the Authors

A. A. Pyagay
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Pyagay Alexandr Anatolievich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Land Management

010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana

R. S. Bespaeva
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Bespaeva Roza Sansyzbaevna; Ph.D, Associate Professor;  Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and Marketing

010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana

B. N. Naukenova
«Turan-Astana» University

Naukenova Botagoz Nigmatovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Business Administration

010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Astana


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For citations:

Pyagay A.A., Bespaeva R.S., Naukenova B.N. Food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan: criteria and indicators. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):13-26. (In Russ.)

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