Processing of meat products from herd horse breeding in Yakutia and the Republic of Kazakhstan
An important task facing productive horse breeding is production of high-quality meat at the lowest cost of labor and material resources. The meat of the herd horses of Yakutia and Kazakhstan, especially foals and young animals, has a high nutritional value compared to other horse breeds and is highly valued among the residents of the republics.
The goal is to show the importance of research into the quality of horse meat and foal meat, the need to develop technologies focused on the consumer preferences of local residents.
Methods – statistical, comparisons and generalizations, logical approach to presentation.
Results – comprehensive study of chemical composition, nutritional and biological advantages, organoleptic properties of horse meat, foal as a raw material for the production of meat products was carried out. The technological processes for preparing meat products, semi-finished products and offal, smoked and boiled products are scientifically substantiated. The practical significance lies in the development of a new range of meat products, semi-finished products from meat and internal organs, smoked-boiled and dry-cured products and technologies for their production. Indicators of the quality characteristics of processed horse meat and foal meat products have been determined. The developed nanotechnologies have been introduced into production in a number of processing enterprises in Yakutia and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Conclusions – today the world community is focused on healthy nutrition from environmentally friendly products. In this regard, horse meat and foal are the most cost-effective eco-products for both the Kazakh population and the people of Sakha. Experience and knowledge in horse breeding, accumulated over many centuries, are their national treasure, an invaluable wealth of the modern world. It is necessary to expand research into the nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties of horse meat and koumiss as natural products.
About the Authors
B. MakhatovKazakhstan
Makhatov Bolatkhan; Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; Director of the Research Technology Institute of Animal Husbandry and Bioresurs
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty
V. T. Vasilyeva
Russian Federation
Vasilyeva Valentina Tikhonovna; Candidate of Biological Sciences; Leading Researcher of Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing and Biochemical Analysis
677001 Bestuzhev-Marlinskiy str. , 23 bldg. 1, Yakutsk
Zh. Dossumova
Dossumova Zhanat; Master of Economics and Business; Leading Analyst
050057 Satpaev str., 30b, Almaty
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For citations:
Makhatov B., Vasilyeva V.T., Dossumova Zh. Processing of meat products from herd horse breeding in Yakutia and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):123-131.