Modeling of production processes in grain sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: new solutions
The Republic of Kazakhstan is considered one of the countries with the highest potential for grain production in the world, since it has the appropriate infrastructure, the necessary sown areas, harvesting technologies, and human capital. At the same time, high competition and the tasks of ensuring food security of the state require a constant search for ways to improve the effectiveness and rationality of management decisions in crop production.
The goal is to determine directions and trends for increasing the effective functioning of grain farming in Kazakhstan.
During the research, methods of analysis and synthesis, mathematical modeling and comparison were used.
Results - analysis of the volumes of wheat grown in 2010-2022. showed a positive vector of development, the average harvest increases annually by 228 thousand tons, in 2022 22 million tons were harvested in the Republic of Kazakhstan, this is the highest figure in the last 10 years. Of course, this is a satisfactory dynamic, but there are untapped reserves in the industry. Based on the production indicators of the regions of the republic cultivating this crop, the most effective of them were identified. For these purposes, the DEA method was used.
Conclusions - the main target function of grain sector is to maximize the satisfaction of the population's needs for grain products. Other, no less important, its functions: creating a balanced market for grains and raw materials for the processing industry; more complete use of production capabilities in all areas of the grain product vertical of the AIC; reduction of losses at the junctions of production - transportation - processing - grain trade. Structural proportions in the development of the grain product subcomplex become a significant factor ensuring its sustainable functioning.
About the Authors
Z. AidynovKazakhstan
Аidynov Zein - The main author; Candidat of Economic Sciences; Acting Associate professor of the Department of Information Systems
010011 Zhenis Ave.,62, Astana
Zh. Daukharin
Daukharin Zhanbolat; Doctor of Economic Sciences; Professor at the National School of Public Policy
010000 Abai Ave., 33, Astana
Zh. Khaliullin
Khaliullin Zhassulan; Master student
010000 Abai Ave., 33, Astana
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For citations:
Aidynov Z., Daukharin Zh., Khaliullin Zh. Modeling of production processes in grain sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: new solutions. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(4):102-111. (In Kazakh)