Entrepreneurial activity in rural areas of Kazakhstan: opportunities and prospects
The development of entrepreneurship in agricultural sector creates favorable conditions for production of competitive agricultural and food products.
Goal – priority directions for expanding small agricultural businesses are considered – an important factor in providing the population with affordable food, improving the living standards of rural areas and formation of a diverse economy. During the study, methods of comparison, generalization, and a systematic approach were used.
Results – the authors note that the infrastructure for providing services for small businesses is being improved through the creation of a network of agricultural production cooperatives. Land mortgage lending has become widespread, making it possible to solve the problem of the collateral base of small business entities. Destabilizing factors of an external and internal nature have been identified. A number of models that differentiate agricultural entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills are identified. The potential of entrepreneurial activity and business environment in agriculture is shown. The role of agritourism and other forms of nonagricultural entrepreneurship is outlined, and emphasis is placed on the ability of entrepreneurs to participate in the production of organic food products.
Conclusions – a trend of increasing social demand for quality business education, business consultations for the growth of professional literacy and competencies has been determined. Further innovative reorientation of small enterprises is associated with their real situation, the existing prerequisites for organization and development, and the specific conditions of functioning in the market. Small agribusiness, as one of the main elements of the economic system of society, is capable of raising the status of social sustainability of the village, supporting the diversification of the economy and its innovative activity. It is necessary to develop measures for effective management of business risks.
About the Authors
S. T. ZhumashevaKazakhstan
Zhumasheva Saule T. - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Sciences Secretary
050057 Satpaev str., 30 б, Almaty
L. A. Omarbakiyev
Omarbakiyev Lutpulla A. - Doctor of Economic Sciences; Professor of the Department of Finance
050013 Satpayev str., 16A, Almaty
A. K. Nizamdinova
Nizamdinova Arzigul K. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Accounting
050038 Al-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty
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For citations:
Zhumasheva S.T., Omarbakiyev L.A., Nizamdinova A.K. Entrepreneurial activity in rural areas of Kazakhstan: opportunities and prospects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):70-81. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.46666/2023-3.2708-9991.07