Geographic information systems as an innovative method for increasing the productivity of agricultural land
The goal is to identify and specify the stages of formation and development of geographic information systems (GIS) in agriculture, used to improve the efficiency of agricultural land.
Methods – system analysis, monographic, statistical, economic, classification, grouping, logical generalization.
Results – the author shows the problems of disseminating technologies that are geographically linked in the agricultural sector abroad and in Kazakhstan. The stages of cartography, remote sensing of the earth, organizational work to collect information on the biodiversity of the territory of foreign countries, starting from laboratories, then computer programming until the end of the cycle are outlined. Natural and climatic factors that influence the composition and change in the size of the land fund of the republic, in particular agricultural lands, are considered. Negative land management processes, the presence of a large amount of disturbed land resulting from industrial production, and the existence of anthropogenic pollution that worsen soil fertility are highlighted.
Conclusions – the need for wide dissemination of GIS for the rational use of land resources arose during the monitoring and assessment of soil characteristics, the need to determine the forecast level of yield, water management, spatial planning and production decision-making. The argument for the use of GIS technologies is the modern land policy of the state, aimed at creating a rational balance between the sustainable development of the agroindustrial complex and the preservation of natural potential in order to improve living conditions in rural areas. Geographic information systems contribute to increasing the profitability of agricultural enterprises and optimizing its costs. Digital cartographic products are increasingly found in the practice of intensively developing farms.
About the Author
A. K. ShaimerdenovaKazakhstan
Shaimerdenova Aigul K. – Ph.D student Educational Program of Cadastre
010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
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For citations:
Shaimerdenova A.K. Geographic information systems as an innovative method for increasing the productivity of agricultural land. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):211-219. (In Russ.)