
Current aspects of ensuring food security


Food security is one of the key components of the country’s economic stability and food supply. A scientific approach to considering this issue requires the search and implementation of effective forms and mechanisms of state regulation and support of the agro-industrial complex and agricultural producers in order to saturate the domestic food market.

The goal is to analyze the current situation and develop measures to strengthen the food security of Kazakhstan.

Methods – analysis, synthesis, establishment of comparative advantage, forecasting, generalization, study of scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists. This scientific research is based on official statistics, analytical information from the World Bank, and indicators presented in the Global Food Security Index.

Results – show the dynamics of production of grain crops, including rice and legumes, the share of food in the republic’s GDP, the innovative activities of enterprises producing food products, the need to create clusters as integrated structures of small producers based on cooperation, optimization of land use and rational use of agricultural land taking into account specialization, formation of a unified electronic database that determines the volumes of food industry products needed for domestic demand, exports, imports, the position of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of food security.

Conclusions – the authors conclude on the need for an integrated approach to the analysis of the current state and threats to economic security. It is impossible to ensure this without improving social and investment policies, as well as the development and implementation of measures to protect domestic food producers. It is equally important to ensure the realization of the potential of all forms of agricultural entrepreneurship, sustainable development of rural areas, overcoming investment difficulties in agro-industrial production by significantly increasing budget financing, providing affordable longterm lending, improving the system of tax incentives, which will contribute to the realization of the potential of the agricultural sector and meet its own needs , will allow us to become one of the leading exporters of raw materials and food products.

About the Authors

S. S. Ydyrys
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Ydyrys Serikbay Saduakasuly - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Depart- ment of Public Administration and International Relations

161200 B.Sattarkhanov Ave., 29, Turkestan

A. Duisenbekuly
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Duisenbekuly Abylay-khan Ph.D student of the Department of Public Administration and International Relations

161200 B.Sattarkhanov Ave., 29, Turkestan

G. A. Pazilov
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Pazilov Galimzhan Abdirassulovich – Ph.D; Senior lecturer of the Department of Finance

160012 Tauke Khan Ave., 5, Shymkent



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For citations:

Ydyrys S.S., Duisenbekuly A., Pazilov G.A. Current aspects of ensuring food security. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):24-33. (In Kazakh)

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