Digital innovation ecosystem of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan: overview of the subject area
The goal is to analyze the conceptual apparatus of the innovative ecosystem of the agro-industrial complex and develop recommendations for adjusting some terms. Problematic issues of legal regulation of digital technologies in agricultural production are identified and factors that stimulate or negatively affect this process are identified.
Methods – dialectical, abstract-logical, comparative.
Results – an overview of the implementation of the state digitalization policy is presented, an analysis of the current legislation with a view to creating an effective mechanism for digital platforms in agricultural sector. The features of the digital transformation of the republic's agro-industrial complex and prerequisites for the introduction of innovations are shown. It has been established that the digital modernization of the industry has gone through the stages of mechanization, automation, computerization, and the formation of a digital space; characteristics of these stages are given, and the main directions of the new generation of information and communication technologies in the country are outlined. Regulatory legal acts are analyzed.
Conclusions – in order to achieve the required level of competitiveness, the Kazakhstan model of economic development must not only focus on global high-tech developments, but also have its own effective mechanism for introducing them into the practice of agricultural business. The main participants in the digital ecosystem are agricultural producers, processing enterprises, rural residents, and individual entrepreneurs. Its creation will increase the potential of the agro-industrial complex, increase the income of the rural population, and ensure direct supplies of manufactured products to markets. The authors state the need to make changes and additions to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to consolidate the concepts and adjust the definitions of “digitalization of the agro-industrial complex” and “innovative ecosystem of the agro-industrial complex”, “digital business ecosystem”, “digital economy”.
About the Authors
D. A. KaldiyarovKazakhstan
Kaldiyarov Daniyar Altayevich - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Office of Chairman of the Board of the Rector
040009 Tauelsizdik str., 187a, Taldykorgan
Z. K. Kalymbekova
Kalymbekova Zhanna Kalymbekovna - Master of Management; Senior Lecturer
050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty
K. B. Zhumanazarov
Zhumanazarov Kasymkhan Bekbauovich - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management
010000 Kayym Mukhametkhanova str., 37A, Astana
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For citations:
Kaldiyarov D.A., Kalymbekova Z.K., Zhumanazarov K.B. Digital innovation ecosystem of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan: overview of the subject area. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):34-41. (In Russ.)