
Oil and fat industry of the East Kazakhstan region: growth reserves


The goal is to monitor the current state and prospects of the oil and fat subcomplex of the East Kazakhstan region, to determine the reasons that impede its development.

Methods – balance sheet, abstract-logical, statistical-economic, monographic.

Results – using the example of the Eastern region, oilseed production and the fat and oil industry have been analyzed over the past five years. Sectoral, regional, socio-economic aspects of the functioning of the oil and fat industry are considered. The sown areas, yields, gross harvest of the main oilseeds (soybeans, sunflower, safflower, rapeseed, flax), volumes of fat and oil products, use of the average annual production capacity of enterprises for the production of vegetable oils are shown. Based on the study, factors reducing the rate of intensification of the oil and fat subcomplex were identified. The main ones are the reduction in crop area, gross output, lack of raw materials and, as a result, the low level of processing.

Conclusions – it is necessary to take a set of measures to stabilize the market for oilseeds and processed products in the Eastern region of the country, providing agricultural sector with government assistance in the form of subsidies and loans without collateral at low interest rates; establishing a duty on the export of sunflower seeds for a longer period; formation of integrated structures; creation of advanced training centers for agricultural producers on the basis of research institutes and universities in the East Kazakhstan region. Solving the issues related to expanding the activities of oil and fat enterprises and supplying the population of the region with oil and fat products in the required quantities is one of the main tasks of the state. It is necessary to use innovative approaches to the technological process, the implementation of which will make it possible to produce a high-quality environmentally friendly food product that is in demand in the domestic and foreign markets.

About the Authors

Sh. Zhailaubayeva
Shakarim University

Zhailaubayeva Shynar – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey

Zh. Kazhieva
Shakarim University

Kazhieva Zhaniya - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professorof the Department of Economics and Finance

F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey

A. Mukhamadiyeva
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Mukhamadiyeva Aizhan - doctoral student of the Faculty of Economics

119991, Leninskie gory str., 1; Moscow


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For citations:

Zhailaubayeva Sh., Kazhieva Zh., Mukhamadiyeva A. Oil and fat industry of the East Kazakhstan region: growth reserves. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):149-158. (In Russ.)

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