
Dairy industry in Kazakhstan: trends in increasing efficiency


Providing the population of Kazakhstan with dairy products is the main task of the dairy subcomplex. The existing potential and experience in the development of the industry not only make it possible to satisfy domestic needs, but also contribute to the implementation of export-oriented production.

The goal is to review the market for milk and dairy products in the republic, study the current situation, and identify the main problems.

Methods – abstract-logical, analysis and synthesis, comparison. Official data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was used as an information base.

Results – the main directions of development of agri-food segment are shown. The main indicators of the dairy sector are analyzed: assortment, per capita consumption in the regional reserve, consumer and retail price index. The authors note a number of specific features inherent in food markets in general, which depend on natural and climatic conditions, the relationship of production and economic processes with biological ones, the seasonality of production and sales, which causes uneven use of labor and equipment, material resources, as well as fluctuations in receipt of income, high share of labor costs in the pricing structure, limited supply of raw materials for obtaining finished dairy products, correlation of the quality of the final product, terms and conditions of storage, and transportation. The dynamics of production of the main types of products over the past five years is considered. Emphasis is placed on the reasons hindering the development of the dairy market: a reduction in the number of cows in agricultural enterprises and private farms in the village, a high level of wear and tear on equipment, and the lack of effective connections between commodity producers of raw materials and their processors, which leads to rising prices in the food market. Conclusions the increase in the cost of dairy products over the past three years leads to a decrease in consumption and production in the traditional dairy processing industry.

About the Authors

Zh. K. Yerzhanova
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Yerzhanova Zhanar K. - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Director of the Institute of Economics, Information Technology and Vocational Education

090009 Zhangir khan str., 51, Uralsk

N. A. Akhmetzhanova
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Akhmetzhanova Nazym A. - Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the High School of Eco- nomics and Auditing

090009 Zhangir khan str., 51, Uralsk

A. A. Zhaitleuova
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Zhaitleuova Asel A. - Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the High School of Economics and Auditing

090009 Zhangir khan str., 51, Uralsk


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For citations:

Yerzhanova Zh.K., Akhmetzhanova N.A., Zhaitleuova A.A. Dairy industry in Kazakhstan: trends in increasing efficiency. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):141-148. (In Kazakh)

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