
Formation and use of human capital in agricultural sector


The goal is to analyze the features of the formation and development of human capital in agricultural sector of economy.

Methods – economic-statistical, factorial, comparative analysis, generalization of results.

Results – the authors note that production of goods and services depends not only on technical means, but also on the knowledge, skills, moral conditions and behavior of the workers. Therefore, human resources related to skills, experience, health, cultural values, and competencies are of great importance. Currently, the social and living conditions of people in rural areas lag significantly behind those in urban areas. There is a shortage of personnel, an outflow of population to cities, and the reluctance of young people to live and work in the countryside due to low wages, production and living conditions. There is also a need for comprehensive mechanization, informatization and digitalization of agricultural production. These processes require highly qualified specialists who have skills in modern techniques and technologies.

Conclusions – it is proposed to develop a concept for the development of human capital in agriculture by clarifying the goals of the organizational and managerial, financial and economic, technical and technological, legal, motivational, and social aspects of this mechanism. The authors reveal the main characteristics and principles of effective use of intellectual capital in agricultural sector. The directions for its optimization by increasing employment of the rural population and enhancing investment support have been determined. Based on the identified problems, further prospects for increasing human potential are shown to ensure the competitiveness of domestic agricultural producers and as the main driving factor in the development of an innovative economy and the strengthening of globalization processes.


About the Authors

A. Zh. Bukharbayeva
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zh. - Ph.D; Associate professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29A, Kyzylorda

A. Sh. Abdimomynova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

Abdimomynova Almakul Sh. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate professor of the Department of Economics and Management

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29A, Kyzylorda

K. A. Utegenova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

Utegenova Kamshat A. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior lecturer of the Department of Еconomics and Management

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29A, Kyzylorda


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For citations:

Bukharbayeva A.Zh., Abdimomynova A.Sh., Utegenova K.A. Formation and use of human capital in agricultural sector. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):179-190. (In Kazakh)

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