
Sugar market in the Republic of Kazakhstan: priorities, optimality criteria


Relevance – one of the main directions of sustainable growth of economy of Kazakhstan is providing the country's population with affordable and high-quality food products.

The goal is to show the current situation, the problems of the food market in the republic, in particular sugar industry, products of which are a component of the consumer basket.

Methods – statistical and analytical research techniques, studying the works of agricultural economists on the problems of development of agro-industrial complex.

Results – the study analyzed the dynamics of changes in the main indicators affecting the volume of sugar beet production, and presented its sown area for 2017-2022. The factors influencing the gross harvest of this crop and the level of sugar production have been identified. Measures have been proposed to improve the situation on the food market and accelerate the development of sugar subcomplex: expansion of sown areas in beetgrowing regions, including sulfur; increasing productivity through the use of high-quality seeds and moisture-saving technologies; strengthening the raw material base; attracting investment in sugar sector; state support in the form of subsidies and preferential loans to agricultural producers; modernization of material and technical resources of sugar factories, in particular irrigation systems, introduction of modern innovative technological schemes for breeding work and seed production.

Conclusions – sugar industry, especially its beet component, requires close attention from the perspective of strategic management, improvement and increasing the stability of its functioning. To stabilize and protect the domestic market, it is necessary to study the issues of establishing a minimum level of prices for the import of white sugar and low retail (marginal) prices. Recommendations for expanding the cultivation of sugar beets will help reduce import dependence and saturate the domestic market.

About the Authors

E. O. Kydyrbaeva
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Kydyrbaeva Elmira O. Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Manage- ment and State Government Educational Program

040009 I. Zhansugurov str., 187а, Taldykorgan

S. K. Baidybekova
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Baidybekova Saltanat K. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Educational Program

040009 I. Zhansugurov str., 187а, Taldykorgan

B. K. Shomshekova
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Shomshekova Balhiya K. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Educational Program

040009 I. Zhansugurov str., 187а, Taldykorgan


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For citations:

Kydyrbaeva E.O., Baidybekova S.K., Shomshekova B.K. Sugar market in the Republic of Kazakhstan: priorities, optimality criteria. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):111-119. (In Russ.)

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