
Human Development Index as an integral indicator of the quality of life of the population


In the context of sustainable development of rural areas, the level and quality of life of the population were considered as key aspects of socio-economic stability as the main components of the resource potential of agriculture. The article reflects the state of human capital, in particular the rural population, based on the Human Development Index (HDI).

The goal is to analyze the influence of the “quality of life” factor on the formation of a socio-economic business model.

Methods – comparative, statistical, normative analysis, based on the principles of scientific objectivity and consistency, used research materials of domestic scientists to find ways and means of integrating human, agro-ecological, social and market factors to build the most economically and sociologically favorable rural paradigm, taking into account modern conditions.

Results – the dynamics of the criteria included in the HDI index for 2010-2022 was studied, and a comparative description was given. The significance of the integral indicator of the human development index has been revealed. Among the regions, preferable and prosperous ones for rural residents have been identified. Positive trends in the labor market and the vector of qualitative transformations in the processing sector and service sector are shown. However, as the authors note, employment of employable people in rural areas remains low.

Conclusions – to increase the level of human capital, it is necessary to move to a socially attractive model of development of rural areas, based on the effective activities of peasant (private) farms and agricultural cooperatives, which in turn will attract young people to the village. Governmental structures should solve the problem conforming the supply and demand of qualified specialists in agriculture through measures such as systemic reorientation among school students, activities to raise the image of blue-collar professions, improving standards and improving educational programs for training graduates of agricultural educational institutions; solving social problems of villagers; creating conditions for attracting and retaining specialists in rural areas, increasing their mobility and flexibility. The parameters used to calculate the human development index determine the optimal trajectories of socio-economic and environmental-demographic development.

About the Authors

A. A. Yerezhepova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Yerezhepova Aiman A. – Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics

050040 71 Al-Farabi Ave., Almaty

G. R. Dauliyeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Dauliyeva Galiya R. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Professor of the Department of Economics

050040 71 Al-Farabi Ave., Almaty

R. R. Maisanova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Maisanova Rano R. - Master of Economic Sciences

050040 71 Al-Farabi Ave., Almaty


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For citations:

Yerezhepova A.A., Dauliyeva G.R., Maisanova R.R. Human Development Index as an integral indicator of the quality of life of the population. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):191-201. (In Kazakh)

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