Labor resources of Kazakhstani villages
The action of the law of supply and demand for labor is reflected in wages and reveals the discrepancy between jobs and the composition of workers in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters. The ongoing processes are related to the demographic situation, territorial characteristics, sectoral structure of the economy and other factors that serve as the basis for studying the labor market through segmentation.
The goal is to assess the current situation in the field of labor resources, identify patterns and develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of their functioning.
Methods – analysis and synthesis, systemic approach, economic and statistical (comparative analysis, relative and average values, comparison). To determine the strategic directions of state policy to increase employment and reduce the number of unemployed rural people, the method of generalizations was used.
Results – the degree of development of this topic in the works of Kazakhstani and foreign scientists, the current state and features of functioning of the labor market in rural areas of the republic, employment and unemployment indicators in rural areas by age groups and level of education in dynamics were studied. Particular attention is paid to employment in agricultural production, which provides more than 32% of jobs. Measures are proposed to increase the attractiveness of rural areas for living and ways to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the rural labor market.
Conclusions – the implementation of the measures considered will significantly increase the well-being of residents, socio-economic stability in society, and food security in the country. It is necessary to improve the activities of labor relations institutions, including information support, as well as expand the scope of entrepreneurship.
About the Authors
A. I. GizzatovaKazakhstan
Gizzatova Alla I. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Educational program of Business, Management and Tourism
09000 Nazarbayev Ave., 162, Uralsk
S. M. Yessengaliyeva
Үеssengaliyeva Saltanat M. - Ph.D; Acting Associate Professor of theInstitute of Economics, Information Technology and Vocational Education, Higher School of Economics and Audit
09000 Zhangir Khan Ave., 51, Uralsk
O. V. Cheremukhina
Cheremukhina Oksana V. - Master of Economics; Senior Lecturer; Educational program of Business, Management and Tourism
09000 Nazarbayev Ave., 162, Uralsk
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For citations:
Gizzatova A.I., Yessengaliyeva S.M., Cheremukhina O.V. Labor resources of Kazakhstani villages. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):169-178. (In Russ.)