Innovative crop - quinoa as an alternative food source in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Quinoa is a still little-known grain herbaceous plant in Kazakhstan, which, under optimal weather and temperature conditions, can reach a yield of 11 t/ha, with an average yield of 6-8 tons per hectare.
The goal is to show, based on a review of scientific works, the importance and possibilities of growing this crop in Kazakhstan.
Methods – dialectical, economic and comparative analysis. Statistical information on pricing policy is provided. The analytical base consisted of publications of domestic scientists on food security and foreign researchers and periodical sources about this annual plant.
Results the authors revealed the possibilities of its use in various sectors of agro-industrial complex, and also considered the prospects for cultivation, storage, delivery and sales, and pricing policy.
Conclusions – quinoa has great potential for expanding its use by domestic producers. The authors see the promotion of this product in the republic in effective state support of agricultural sector at the initial stages of the development of such a dietary crop. There is an opportunity to achieve significant results in the short and long term. The possibility of its wide distribution and economic benefits have been determined. The article identifies ways to solve the food problem through the cultivation of quinoa for on-farm needs, as well as providing access to new markets. The authors note the increased interest of quinoa crop as an unconventional raw ingredient for the Kazakh consumer when creating multicomponent recipes, which is justified by its high nutritional value.
About the Authors
Y. E. GridnevaKazakhstan
Gridneva Yelena E. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Pro- fessor; Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
A05A6K5 Seifullin Ave., 521, Almaty
G. Sh. Kaliakparova
Kaliakparova Gulnar Sh. - Ph.D; Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Management
A05A6K5 Seifullin Ave., 521, Almaty
S. U. Abdibekov
Abdibekov Saken U. - Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and World Economy
050038 Аl-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Gridneva Y.E., Kaliakparova G.Sh., Abdibekov S.U. Innovative crop - quinoa as an alternative food source in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):131-140. (In Russ.)