
Small and medium-sized agribusiness: modern realities, problems and ways of solution


The goal is to identify priorities for the creation of a service sector in agriculture, consumer services for the population, production of professional and handicraft products, the development of health-related facilities, promotion of national traditions, and creation of opportunities for wider dissemination of these industries. In order to accelerate the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's agricultural sector, provide employment to rural residents based on strengthening their socio-economic status, improve life in the region, and eliminate financial deficits, it is necessary to increase the level of provision of agricultural producers with material and technical resources.

Methods – comparative analysis, generalization, systematic approach, SWOT analysis.

Results – the priority directions for the development of small and medium-sized agricultural businesses, public support, imbalances in prices for agricultural products and industrial goods, expansion of market infrastructure, timely execution of mutual payments between farms, the need to limit the growth of costs and large volumes of imports of food products, measures to increase entrepreneurial activity and competitiveness in the regions are shown. A SWOT analysis of the activities of small and medium-sized business entities was carried out. Based on the results of the study, ways to solve the identified problems were proposed. Summarizing the results obtained, conclusions are formulated within the framework of this study. The degree of development of small and medium-sized households affects the saturation of the market with goods, expansion of competition, regulation of employment, and positive social transformations in rural areas. Small agricultural enterprises have untapped entrepreneurial potential, which can be used taking into account the introduction of digital technologies, new equipment, rational organization of labor and management. The experience of the USA, Canada, and France should be widely applied and adapted to domestic realities.

About the Authors

B. A. Zhakupova
Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Zhakupova Bakytgul A. Candidate of Economic Science, Senior Lecturer of the Department of State Administration, Finance and Marketing

030000 Altynsarin str., 4, Aktobe

A. N. Makarov
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University
Russian Federation

Makarov Anatoli N. - Doctor of Economics, Professor; Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy

420008,18 Kremlevskaya str., Kazan

M. A. Toktarova
Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Toktarova Madina A. - Senior Lecturerof the Department of State Administration, Finance and Marketing

030000 Altynsarin str., 4, Aktobe


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Zhakupova B.A., Makarov A.N., Toktarova M.A. Small and medium-sized agribusiness: modern realities, problems and ways of solution. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(3):82-91. (In Kazakh)

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