Small and medium-sized businesses in agricultural sector on the example of the Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan
In a market economy, tough competition, the urgent task is to ensure the effective functioning of the agro-industrial business, which creates a social and economic basis that allows to maintain a rural lifestyle, develop rural areas, responding flexibly and in a timely manner to changing supply and demand conditions. The goal is to study the current state of entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial complex of the Almaty region, the pace of development and the effectiveness of support measures. Methods – economic-statistical, monographic, abstract-logical, comparative analysis and synthesis. Results – analyzed the number of operating small and medium-sized agribusiness entities in this region over the past 5 years, the number of employees employed in this area, the gross agricultural output in the country, as well as in the context of districts. An analysis was made of the share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in agricultural production in general in Kazakhstan and the Almaty region, in particular. The main problems and ways to solve them are outlined. The indicators of objects of entrepreneurial activity, the volume of output of goods in agricultural sector and their structure in the region according to statistical data for 2018-2022 are presented. Shows the amount of state financial assistance at the regional level in recent years. Conclusions – on the GDP of agricultural sector over a five-year period, on average, SME accounts for 28.5%, individual entrepreneurs 5.3%, PPF 66.2%. The issues of irrational use of agricultural land, expansion of irrigated areas, regulatory support for the effective use of allocated public funds, insufficient institutional support for rural entrepreneurs are considered.
About the Authors
A. M. KassenovaKazakhstan
Kassenova Aibarshyn Mamlenovna – Ph.D student
040000 I. Zhansugurov str., 187 A., Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan
A. Duisenbekuly
Duisenbekuly Abylay-khan; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration and International Relations;
161200 B. Sattakhanov Ave., 29, Turkestan, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Kassenova A.M., Duisenbekuly A. Small and medium-sized businesses in agricultural sector on the example of the Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):226-233. (In Kazakh)