Creation of a cooperative for the joint operation of agricultural machinery: the need, prospects, the mechanism of intra-economic relations
Among many factors of sustainability of agricultural production, a special place is given to the cooperation of agricultural enterprises. The goal is to substantiate the need and prospects for the creation of cooperatives for the joint use of agricultural machinery, irrigation and drainage systems, the development of principles for regulating intra-economic relations between their members in the south of the republic, and the determination of the prerequisites for the development of cooperative structures. Methods – monographic, calculation-constructive, analytical, economic-statistical, social survey of agricultural producers who participated in the training seminars PMID-2. Results – analysis of the status of pilot projects of agricultural cooperatives of the Maktaaral and Shardara districts of the Turkestan region was carried out, on the basis of which promising directions for their improvement, organizational and economic conditions for the creation of a cooperative machine-technological station (MTS) were identified in order to organize the collective operation of agricultural machinery; building economic ties between members and the cooperative association; The demand for expanding the scope of the model of cooperation for the collective use by agricultural producers of irrigation and drainage mechanisms for irrigated areas in compliance with the hydraulic principle is shown, which will help increase land fertility, crop yields, and, accordingly, the efficient use of land, water and other resources. Conclusions – the results of the study on the implementation of the PMID-2 project, measures to provide cooperating entities with agricultural machines as part of the implementation of the Pilot Project of the Zhambyl region and scaling it in other regions of Kazakhstan confirm the expediency of continuing the process of cooperating small farms, improving the material and technical base of agricultural producers, providing measures of state support for the purchase of equipment through concessional lending and rational use, as well as irrigation and drainage systems by employees of an agricultural cooperative.
About the Authors
G. U. AkimbekovaKazakhstan
Akimbekova Galiya Uisimbekovna – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Deputy Chairman of the Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. B. Baymuhanov
Baymukhanov Askar Borankulovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of Development of Processing and Logistics of Agricultural Products
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. A. Zhandos
Zhandos Abzal Altynbayuly; Master of Economics; Senior researcher of the Department of Cooperation and Integration in Agriculture;
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Akimbekova G.U., Baymuhanov A.B., Zhandos A.A. Creation of a cooperative for the joint operation of agricultural machinery: the need, prospects, the mechanism of intra-economic relations. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):215-225. (In Russ.)