Rational use of land in rural areas
Purpose – rational approaches to the use of land resources and regulation of landproperty relations of land categories of rural settlements (RS) are considered. Methods – monographic, analytical, statistical and abstract-logical. Results – the paper shows the problems of land use in the RS on the example of the regions of Kazakhstan and a number of rural districts. Problems of rural territorial units that need to be solved are identified. An assessment of the current regulatory and legislative framework regulating the rights of land users whose land is jointly owned is given, as well as the prospects for organizational and economic development. Options are proposed for a more complete and objective monitoring of the available territorial reserves of populated areas using improved methods for calculating the cadastral and market value of agricultural land. In turn, the economy of sustainable territories depends on how efficiently the land use of sites is organized. One of the most important aspects of the regional policy regarding the expenditure of land resources is the issue of increasing the effectiveness of their operation. Conclusions – the results of the research can be directed to the development of territorial planning schemes for the rational use of land in rural settlements and applied in practical land management activities, in particular, to provide information to the population with databases in the context of regions, districts and rural districts on the available land areas of rural settlements and management of land and property relations during their digitalization, as well as in electronic format for the introduction of a map of the land area of individual housing construction, personal subsidiary plots, etc. Attention should be paid to the quantitative reduction in agricultural land caused by rejection for industrial and urban planning needs.
About the Authors
N. V. JangarashevaKazakhstan
Jangarasheva Nazimkul Vladimirovna – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Land Resources and Cadastre
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. Zhildikbayeva
Zhildikbaeva Aizhan; Ph.D.; Associate Professor of the Department of Land Resources and Cadastre
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
S. Yelemessov
Yelemessov Serik; Ph.D student
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Jangarasheva N.V., Zhildikbayeva A., Yelemessov S. Rational use of land in rural areas. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):206-214. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2023-2.2708-9991.20