
Implementation of the land issue in the new economic policy of Kazakhstan


The goal is to determine the place and role of "land" in achieving the goals of the new economic policy and finding solutions to improve the efficiency of its use. Methods – monographic, analytical, statistical, abstract-logical. Results – it is noted that in the republic a course has been taken for radical transformations, in which land resources play an important role. Systemic problems hindering the development of the country's economy have been identified. An analysis was made of the areas leased to foreigners, as well as foreign trade turnover for 2022. The main tasks and directions of their implementation for the purpose of effective land use are outlined. The foreign experience of taxation of agricultural land is studied as the basis for the development of a new methodology for calculating land tax for ACP. It is recommended to identify unused or not used land plots for their intended purpose in order to involve them in agricultural circulation; to promote the expansion of advisory assistance to agricultural producers when filling out the automated land cadastre system, to establish a logistics system for agricultural products in order to prevent artificial price increases by intermediaries; provide state support in the allocation of subsidies on a differentiated basis. Conclusions – it is shown that the state focuses on land resources, the correct exploitation of which will strengthen and stabilize the economy of Kazakhstan. These principles were laid down earlier, but have not yet been sufficiently regulated. Their full implementation requires new approaches and methods that contribute to the effective use of agricultural land, the productivity of which can systemize a number of specific problems: an increase in pasture areas, hayfields and increase in agricultural production in general. It is necessary to increase the transparency of pricing mechanisms.

About the Authors

G. K. Kurmanova
S. Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical Research University
Russian Federation

Kurmanova Gulnara Kenesovna –  Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Cadastre

010011 Pobedy Ave., 62, Astana, Kazakhstan

M. A. Bayandin
Sh. Murtaza International Taraz Innovation Institute
Russian Federation

Bayandin Marat Asylbekovich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; rector

080000 Zheltoksan str., 69-B, Taraz, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Kurmanova G.K., Bayandin M.A. Implementation of the land issue in the new economic policy of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):198-205. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)