Market of milk and products of its processing in the Akmola region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current situation, resources
The article describes the current state of dairy cattle breeding in the Akmola region. The specifics of functioning of the regional market of dairy products are considered. The total volume of demand for milk and products of its processing was determined, calculated taking into account the recommended consumption rates, separately for the urban and rural population. The goal is to study the current situation in the retail chains of the region with dairy products and the prospects for expanding their range. Methods – economic-statistical, balance, abstract-logical for summarizing industry information from open access sources and scientific literature. Results – the authors note that the development of the dairy subcomplex is accompanied by a steady increase in the volume of dairy production, this was facilitated by an increase in productivity of cows in agricultural enterprises, and in households and peasant (farm) farms an increase in the number of animals. A high share of the small-scale commodity sector has been established. Conclusions – the predominance in the structure of the dairy industry of personal subsidiary farms (PSF), which are characterized by low milk yield, quality and marketability of raw milk, causes a shortage of raw materials. Combining them into agricultural cooperatives will make it possible to fully realize their potential, therefore, ensure the workload of milk processing enterprises, expand the food sales market, stimulate the transformation of household plots into larger commodity structures and increase the incomes of the villagers. It is necessary to improve the legislative framework for the use of budget funds for public procurement, primarily from domestic producers at guaranteed prices, to develop recommendations for regulating imports and exports of products for effective price competition through customs and tariff policy.
About the Authors
A. S. BelgibayevaKazakhstan
Belgibayeva Anargul Sarsenbayevna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Professor of the Department of Business and Services;
020000 Abay str., 76, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
S. T. Zhumasheva
Zhumasheva Saule Tokanovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Sciences Secretary
050057 Satpaev str., 30 б, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. U. Tatikova
Tatikova Asiya Uralovna; Ph.D student
010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29; Astana, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Belgibayeva A.S., Zhumasheva S.T., Tatikova A.U. Market of milk and products of its processing in the Akmola region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current situation, resources. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):177-187. (In Russ.)