Forecast of a qualitative renewal of the active part of fixed assets in agro-industrial complex
The renewal of fixed assets means the process of replacing obsolete means of labor with new, most perfect and modernized ones. In market economy and fierce competition between various manufacturers, one of the most important factors in increasing the profitability of production and economic activities of enterprises is the provision of their produced assets in the required quantity. Only with a good technical condition of production base, timely technical and technological re-equipment of production processes of economic entities, it is possible to have their stable growth. The goal is to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of restoring the active part of the fixed production assets (hereinafter referred to as APFA) in crop production of the republic on the basis of economic and mathematical modeling. Methods – economic-mathematical, statistical, comparison, analysis and synthesis. Results – methodological provisions for the effective management of APFA are proposed. A system of standards was built and implemented, substantiating the indicators of economic efficiency of production (hereinafter referred to as IEEP). The main directions, tendencies and regularities of reproduction of the active part of fixed production assets are investigated. The criteria for the implementation of the method of planning and forecasting the pace of their reconstruction are shown. The set of normative IEEP is oriented to be used as a tool for decision-making by the country's authorities, allows to increase the volume of agricultural production over the forecast period (20 years). The calculation of the ratios of the shares of the APFA in the base and prospective periods, their productivity for five-year plans in the future, a comparison of the need for domestic investment by the state and the investment investments of large associations in the optimal mode of their recovery are presented. Conclusions – the ratio of active and passive parts is of great interest, since the capital productivity, capital profitability and financial condition of enterprises largely depend on their optimal combination. When analyzing the qualitative state of the active part of fixed assets, the completeness and timeliness of scheduled preventive repairs, their compliance with technical characteristics and operating conditions are checked.
About the Author
K. G. IbraimovKazakhstan
Ibraimov Kairat Gazizovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences; Deputy President for Development
010000 Zhansugurov str., 49, Almaty region, Otegen Batyra village, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Ibraimov K.G. Forecast of a qualitative renewal of the active part of fixed assets in agro-industrial complex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):167-176. (In Russ.)