
Agricultural insurance system: review of the experience of developed countries


This review article is aimed at getting acquainted with the experience of developed countries in insuring the risks of agricultural producers. The creation of a reliable mechanism for their insurance protection is currently one of the aspects of ensuring food security of the republic and a special sphere of state interests. The purpose is to show common insurance practices and countries' policies in dealing with this issue. Methods – in the process of analyzing and evaluating the international level of state support for agricultural insurance, the author used the following research methods: content analysis, which allows to identify the main areas related to state financing of agricultural sector; on the basis of a systematic approach, the degree of state participation in insurance operations was determined; graphical interpretation made it possible to visualize this process on the basis of information received. Results – the article presents aspects of state investment of insurance premiums in agricultural sector. The author identifies and graphically displays three main categories of state assistance in agricultural insurance. The results of the review can be used to conduct research in all regions of the republic. Conclusions – world experience shows that subsidizing insurance payments is the most effective way to support small and medium-sized businesses and ensure economic sustainability of the industry, reduce negative consequences, including loss of income in production of products associated with the onset of adverse natural events. A coordinated and strategic approach to managing the insurance market, government support and effective mitigation methods are important, while direct government reimbursements are ineffective in the long run and do not contribute to the prevention of risk situations.

About the Authors

A. K. Turysbek
Narxoz University

Aiym Turysbek –  Ph.D student

050035 Zhandosov st., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Sh. M. Kantarbayeva
Narxoz University

Kantarbayeva Shyryn Myrzakhanovna; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the School of Law and Public Policy

050035 Zhandosov st., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Turysbek A.K., Kantarbayeva Sh.M. Agricultural insurance system: review of the experience of developed countries. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):158-166.

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