
Household farms of the population in conditions of modernization of agricultural sector of Kazakhstan


Household farming contributes to a country's food security, increased livelihoods, better management of natural resources, environmental protection and sustainable rural development. The goal is to study the socio-economic characteristics of the potential of household farms in the context of modernization of agricultural sector, which determine the real competitiveness of rural entrepreneurs. Methods – analysis, comparison, generalization, allowing to identify the problems of individual-household agricultural sector of Kazakhstan, to assess the current state of the social and labor sphere of small forms of business, to show the main reasons for the reduction in employment in this segment, the backlog of rural areas in terms of social conditions of life and underestimated labor motivation due to the lack of a stable payed job. Results – the author notes that low productivity of the use of labor potential in rural families, the withdrawal of large areas of agricultural land from economic circulation and their subsequent degradation, the outflow of the population, especially young people, from the village are negative. On the basis of a sociological survey, the significance of sociocultural and motivational factors that contribute to the growth of the prestige of individual household forms and development of cooperation by uniting small farmers for the joint economic activities, expanding the scale of production, increasing investment attractiveness and competitiveness of agro-industrial complex is substantiated. Conclusions – the need for a comprehensive implementation of social, economic, environmental and spiritual interests of rural residents, assistance measures to increase production and labor resources of subjects of the rural household economy has been proved; expediency of consistent and systematic state support. All this contributes to the influx of agricultural personnel in agriculture, their consolidation in rural areas.

About the Author

Ch. U. Akimbekova
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development
Russian Federation

Akimbekova Chulpan Uisimbekovna –  Doctor of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of Rural Development

050057 Satpayev str., 30-b, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Akimbekova Ch.U. Household farms of the population in conditions of modernization of agricultural sector of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):147-157. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)