
Agri-food marketing system: marketing approach


The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations on improving the mechanism of marketing system and formation of channels for promoting agricultural products. Methods – analytical, generalization, comparative analysis, economic and statistical, expert survey. Results – the problems and prospects of creating a national commodity distribution network (CDN) are considered. The factors influencing the development of CDN are analyzed. The authors state the need to create an organized and regulated wholesale trade in food products based on the effective use and modernization of the existing infrastructure of food market; improving the logistics system of agro-industrial complex; application of digital technologies, which will provide significant economic, social and environmental benefits; increasing the sustainability of all elements of commodity distribution chains of industrial goods – from production to consumption. Conclusions – it is shown that active continuous commodity circulation is carried out by increasing investments not only in construction, but also in modernization of infrastructure; comprehensive state support for production and marketing process, increasing the efficiency of interaction between its segments based on formation of more diverse and efficient distribution systems, the shortest supply routes by reducing the number of intermediaries and developing territorial markets; planning and regulation of CDN based on intersystem and interregional links; taking into account the interests of its participants based on creation of a flexible commodity distribution system, built taking into account effective innovative solutions. The author's approach lies in the expediency for the producer and consumer of moving agricultural products through marketing structures, in connection with this, it is proposed to carry out a number of institutional and market management measures.


About the Authors

Zh. S. Raimbekov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Raimbekov Zhanarys –  Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

F19A1T8 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

B. U. Syzdykbayeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Syzdykbaeva Bakyt; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Tourism

F19A1T8 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

L. K. Doltes
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Doltes Lyubov; Master of Economics

F19A1T8 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan



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For citations:

Raimbekov Zh.S., Syzdykbayeva B.U., Doltes L.K. Agri-food marketing system: marketing approach. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):136-146. (In Kazakh)

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