
Sheep breeding of the Republic of Kazakhstan: ways to increase labor productivity and profitability


The goal is to search for indicators and optimal measures to increase labor productivity in sheep breeding, study the profitability of the industry, depending on productive, economic and biological characteristics. Methods – analysis of sheep breeding and breeding methods, the use of modern technologies, as well as statistical data of domestic and foreign markets for sheep products and their processing. Results – the project "Technology of industrial production of mutton and lamb" was developed, which is based on the cooperation of sheep farms together with processing enterprises, covering the pricing policy for food products, the cycle of raising sheep for slaughter. Conclusions – the authors are convinced that in the conditions of market relations, due attention should be paid to breed characteristics of animals, intensive fattening. They are characterized, first of all, by high fecundity, due to their genetics in combination with different productivity. Increasing export potential of the meat sheep breeding of the republic is one of the priorities of the state policy of Kazakhstan. Based on the main task of the country's economy facing agriculture, the growth of productive indicators of sheep-breeding sub-complex, increasing the volume of meat, wool and products of their processing are of great importance. Therefore, economic efficiency of this market segment must be considered in complex, according to criteria characterizing quantitative and qualitative indicators. The most important of them are: volume of gross output, size of gross and net income, cost and profitability of production, labor activity, capital productivity and return on capital investments, wages. To obtain the required amount of high-quality lamb and sheep wool, effective system of state support measures is required: state regulation of pricing processes; elimination of disparity in prices for agricultural and industrial goods; subsidizing agricultural producers in amounts that cover costs; preferential taxation and crediting.

About the Authors

E. T. Sadykov
Toraigyrov University

Sadykov Erkin Tokmukhamedovich –  Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Board – Rector

140008 Lomov str., 64, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;

T. K. Bekseitov
Toraigyrov University

Bekseitov Toktar Karibaevich; Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Zootechnology, Genetics and Breeding

140008 Lomov str., 64, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;

B. S. Tuganova
Toraigyrov University

Tuganova Bakyt Sagatovna; Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Biotechnology

140008 Lomov str., 64, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;


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For citations:

Sadykov E.T., Bekseitov T.K., Tuganova B.S. Sheep breeding of the Republic of Kazakhstan: ways to increase labor productivity and profitability. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):116-126. (In Russ.)

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