
Multivector features of agricultural production in the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the current position of Kazakhstan on the world stage, food production accounts for more than 50% of the country's trade turnover, in this regard, the industry's prospects are to saturate food market and provide the population with jobs. Purpose the article shows the current state of food industry of the republic. Methods – analysis and synthesis, statistical, factorial, on the basis of which the assessment of current situation of food enterprises was made. Results – on the example of the Akmola region, indicators of the effectiveness of large, medium and small agricultural enterprises were identified. Sectoral, regional, socio-economic aspects of the development of food industry are considered. Assessing its place and role in food security, real opportunities and scientific and practical prerequisites for expanding the business environment and increasing employment are outlined. The authors point out the need for further development of the processing sector, which will provide agricultural producers with markets for their products, create conditions for employment, attract investments to the region, ensure socio-economic stability in the region, and improve the quality of life. The article presents the standards of budget subsidies for certain types of food. The importance of monitoring promising trends in food production in the country, which are currently little studied, is noted. Conclusions – agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan is characterized by multi-vector sectoral parameters that affect the competitiveness of food products. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of organization of agro-logistic and service, wholesale and distribution centers. The solution of issues related to the supply of the population with food products in the required volumes is a priority task of state policy.

About the Authors

K. A. Kirdasinova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Kirdasinova Kasiya Aleksandrovna  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Management

010005 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

R. T. Serikbayev
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,

Serikbayev Rollan Tlebaldinovich; Ph.D student

010005 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

E. A. Kaliyaskarova
Almaty Management University

Kaliyaskarova Elmira Asetovna; Ph.D; Senior Lecturer

050000 Rozybakiev str., 227, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Kirdasinova K.A., Serikbayev R.T., Kaliyaskarova E.A. Multivector features of agricultural production in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):94-102.

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)